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What Is Our Energy Body

What Is An Energy Body? Subtle bodies are the first part of the energy system that the energy from the divine flows through. Our subtle bodies are like a cosmic vehicle that’s us. We’re so much more than our physical, we’re actually an energy body with a physical body inside of it. Our energy body…

What Is Our Spiritual Aura

What Is Ascension

What Is Ascension. Is it true that the energy of Mother Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts into a higher level of consciousness? Is it possible, that as Mother Earth raises her vibration, we as human beings are being given the opportunity to raise our vibration? This shift is being referred to as the…

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What Is Trauma

What Is Trauma? I put my personal experiences of being kidnapped in a box and threw away the key. That is a common way to deal with trauma, but not an effective way. The experience wasn’t living in my conscious mind, but it was still in my energy system, so the energy or the frequency that was feeding my organs had been changed to that of my wounded story. The organ that was particularly affected was my ovaries, I had a challenge with cancer in the ovaries. When I went to the doctor he said to me,

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What Is Our Base Chakra

Base Chakra, Sacral Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakra. Your Base Chakra when coherent, is around spirituality, purpose, and connection. As well as your relationships to Mother Nature and Mother Earth. It is connected with the underlying structures, both intuitive and order of your mind. It is also associated with pheromones and your sense of smell. Your Sacral Chakra when coherent, is around motion and flow, representing the water element in your body.

What Is PTSD

What Is PTSD? As a child, I was kidnapped by people who were known as Australia’s worst serial killers. I put that experience in a box and threw away the key, I felt that if I ignored it, it would go away. I found that it actually doesn’t. Trauma like that stays rolling around in the subconscious, which constantly tries to reconcile it, it’s working on overload.

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Can We Heal Chronic Illness

One of my beloveds had really bad chronic fatigue when she first came to Energy by Design. She needed to give up work. Doctors said, “You’ll never work again.” Within six months, she was going out more, she started to actually engage more with life. Within nine months, she was working again, loving her work and loving her life. And within 12 months, the chronic fatigue was completely gone. One person had cancer reoccur three times before they came to Energy by Design. Within three sessions he went into remission. The medical fraternity asked, “what the hell have you been doing?”, “whatever you’ve been doing, keep doing it.” We’ve had incredible success with people who have had pain, pain that they have had for many, many years, that is chronic, and within a

Can We Trigger Our Healing

Can We Trigger Our Healing? Until recently, the idea of people having energy meridians was broadly considered to be some sort of superstitious, Eastern woo woo, until a few brave scientists came along and started doing experiments. They proved that energy meridians really do exist and can affect our wellbeing. What they have discovered so…