Base Chakra, Sacral Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakra.
Your Base Chakra when coherent, is around spirituality, purpose, and connection. As well as your relationships to Mother Nature and Mother Earth. It is connected with the underlying structures, both intuitive and order of your mind. It is also associated with pheromones and your sense of smell.
Your Sacral Chakra when coherent, is around motion and flow, representing the water element in your body. It has a relationship to reproduction and fertility, joy and desire, and the kind of rest that encourages immune system recovery. It’s associated with your sense of taste.
Your Solar Plexus Chakra when coherent, is around your fiery centre for your unique powers and gifts. Your life drops in harmony with your value system. It defines the energy that guides your motivations, disposition, and mood, and it extends your ideas of what’s possible when you are inspired by it.