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Energy by Design Coaching

Have you ever felt like you’re living someone else’s life? Like you’re trapped in a reality that’s far from the extraordinary life you used to dream of? Here’s a secret: what’s holding you back is not the world around you but your unique energy codes. This is what makes Energy by Design so unique.  And it’s why our members experience such extraordinary results. We focus on elevating the one thing that impacts everything – your unique energy codes.

Extraordinary Mind

How you think, speak, and feel about yourself, is creating everything in your life, from your relationships to your career to your weight to your bank account. Yep! thats right. AND everything is shaped by your Unique Energy Codes. So, instead of trying to change everything and everyone around you (and frustrating yourself in the process), what if the key is focusing on the one person who has (and always has had) the power: YOU!

Learn how to focus on elevating the one thing that impacts everything – your unique energy codes.

Extraordinary Body

You Can Only Ever Create To The Edge Of Your Energy Codes

Because however you see yourself, the world will reflect it back to you. Your Unique Energy Codes shape the mental picture you keep in your mind that drives the stories you tell about yourself, how you interact with others, the goals you create, the clothes you choose, the places you go, the amount of money you earn and how you spend it, and what you believe is possible for you. Simply put … your energy codes are shaping your entire life.

At Energy by Design we work with Magic Elixirs Alchemy Tonics to restore and rebalance your entire being at the molecular level, creating heightened awareness, mental clarity, inner peace, and expanded creativity. Enhancing inter-cell communication in the human body, slowing down the aging process, increasing energy levels, aiding in memory recall, and balancing blood sugar levels.

Extraordinary Soul

Imagine the relationships you’d have, the jobs you’d go for, the goals you’d set, the money you’d make, the well-being you’d create, the amount of joy you’d experience if you refused to buy into any story that was less than Extraordinary. What would be possible for you?

  In Energy by Design we work with ORA Cacao to inspire the way we think and act aligning our words, thoughts and images with what we truly want from our lives … ORA Ceremonial Cacao supports you to build new habits and ways of moving through the world that makes you feel more powerful, energetic, and magnetic to what you want to attract into your life.