What Is Our Mental Aura

What Is Our Etheric Body

What Is Our First & Second Auric Layer?
Your first Auric layer is your etheric body. This layer is associated with the physical aspects of your material body. It is related to your first, Chakra. It bridges the connection of your material body to your higher bodies. The etheric body is an energy matrix.  Its form is shaped and anchored into the physical material of your physical body. It extends up to one inch outside of your physical.
Your secondary Auric layer sits around your emotional body. It is associated with the vibrational level of your inner feelings, it is connected to your second Chakra and extends three inches out from your physical. This body or Auric layer and all of your higher layers are perceived by your third eye.

Our Subtle Bodies Have 12 Auric Layers

What Are Our Energy Highways

What Are Our Energy Highways? Our twelve energy centers then move the frequency into our third element of our energy system, our 12 meridians, or energy highways that move the frequency through our body. Traditional Chinese Medicine sees each meridian as an official in our bodies queendom, with our heart meridian as a queen, the…

Our Genes Hold Memories

What Is DNA Recoding

What Is DNA Recoding? The energy of Mother Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts into higher levels of consciousness. As Mother Earth raises her vibration, we as humans are being given the opportunities to raise our vibration. This shift is being referred to as the ascension. There are many people around the world who…

How Can We Strengthen Our Immune System Trauma6 300x300 1

How I Transformed Chronic Fatigue

How I Transformed Chronic Fatigue. For me, I had an injury, and I suffered chronic pain 24/7 for twenty-two months. The pain burnt out my adrenals and I ended up with adrenal chronic fatigue. I found that western medicine had no answers at all. Not even pain relief. Energy psychology helped enormously to manage my pain and my fatigue, but I was still struggling.

What Is The Stress Hormone

What Is The Stress Hormone. In my personal story, my digestive system has been less than optimal, with my immune system, learning in the womb, to default to PTSD. I was constantly on alert, which impacted my adrenal glands, and pushed high levels of cortisol into my body, making it impossible for my body to…

Our Subtle Bodies Have 12 Auric Layers

Heart & Small Intestine Meridian

Heart & Small Intestine Meridian. The ancient Chinese considered the twelve main acupuncture meridians, as though they were officials in the body’s kingdom. Each official with their job and part of our personality, affecting how we function in the world. Let’s go through a brief description of the officials and their duties. Our heart Meridian…