

EPISODE No – 000

Part 6, Beauty Needs

By Louis Reed

We crave beautiful imagery as we move towards self actuali​sation​ to spend time in the beauty of nature, extracting the​ beauty that the world has to offer, which leads to​ a feeling of intimacy with nature and​ everything beautiful, a​ feeling of joy and bliss in our lives that we​ can then see in ourselves and others. We feel connected.​ 

Before the accident, I put on a brave face.​ I felt like I was wearing a mask.​ Externally, it looked like I had everything​ together, but internally I was dying. Inside, it was a vast, empty wasteland.​ I was so unhappy, disconnected from my​ inner wisdom or my ​e​extraordinary self.​ My old story had drained just about​ all the life out of me.​ It was soul destroying.​ At some point, I chose to disconnect from​ the pain, although I didn’t realize that to​ block pain, I was also blocking joy.

Now It Is Over To You
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  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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