

EPISODE No – 000

Part 5, Esteem Needs

By Louis Reed

As humans, we chase individualised goals in​ our lives, but the need for fulfilment​ is deeply rooted in all of us.​ When our needs at the lower levels have​ been met, our esteemed needs begin to play​ a more prominent role in motivating our behaviour.

We need to sense that we are valued by​ others and feel that we are making a contribution​ to the world, participating on a professional level, academic​ level, team level, and personal level, all playing a​ role in fulfilling our esteem needs.

When we are able to satisfy our esteem​ needs, we feel resourced to go out and​ share our sacred work with others.​ It’s more of an external empowerment.​ Those who lack self esteem and the respect​ of others can develop feelings of inferiority.

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Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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