

EPISODE No – 000

Energy & Frequency

By Louis Reed

We can deliberately increase our energetic resonance to restore harmony in our energy field so that we can manifest an extraordinary life. Everything that exists has an energetic vibrational frequency. Our thoughts impact our frequency the most. Science tells us that our thoughts have a profound effect on our bodies’ vibrational field. Energy flows where our thoughts go. Negative thoughts lower our frequency by 12 megahertz while positive energy raises our frequency by 10 megahertz. Science tells us that energy healing technologies like Energy by Design Coaching can be used to significantly increase our baseline frequency by up to 15 megahertz.


Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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