

EPISODE No – 000


By Louis Reed

We’re getting zapped! EMF’s (Electromagnetic Fields) of energy are all around us impacting our individual energy field in a less than optimal way. When we pay attention to our experiences for just one typical day, we quickly realise that a new form of invisible pollution is all around us and, as you’ll learn, within you, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Think of all the electronic devices in your home, in your car at your place of work and how many hours a day you are in close contact with them. How long we’re exposed to EMF dangers often means more to our health than the actual strength of the electrical, magnetic, or radio frequency (RF) field.


Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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