
Part 7, Self Actualisation Needs

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY Each level of Maslow’s pyramid relies on the one below.​ They are all closely connected.​ People journey through these levels in​ life and ultimately look to achieve​ their full potential as human beings. Near the peak of Maslow’s hierarchy​ are the self actualisation needs.​ Self actualisation may be described as the​ full use and expression of our talents,​ our capabilities or…


Part 6, Beauty Needs

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY We crave beautiful imagery as we move towards self actuali​sation​ to spend time in the beauty of nature, extracting the​ beauty that the world has to offer, which leads to​ a feeling of intimacy with nature and​ everything beautiful, a​ feeling of joy and bliss in our lives that we​ can then see in ourselves and others. We feel…


Part 5, Esteem Needs

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY As humans, we chase individualised goals in​ our lives, but the need for fulfilment​ is deeply rooted in all of us.​ When our needs at the lower levels have​ been met, our esteemed needs begin to play​ a more prominent role in motivating our behaviour. We need to sense that we are valued by​ others and feel that we…


Part 4, Love & Belonging Needs

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY The feelings of love and belonging create​ a strong middle layer of the pyramid.​ Even independent individuals crave the feeling of​ love and a sense that they belong.​ Relationships create a sense of larger meaning​ within an individual and help avoid challenges​ with loneliness, depression, and even anxiety. The need for emotional relationships​ drives our human behaviour.​ Personal relationships with friends,…


Part 3, Safety Needs

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY No matter what our risk tolerance is, we crave​ protection and the feeling of safety in our lives.​  Although it differs from person to person,​ we all look to escape fear.​  We work towards control and order in our lives.​ Our need for safety and security​ contributes largely to our behaviours.​  Finding job security, the right income,…


Part 2, Basic Needs

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY In today’s ​p​odcast, we work with ​o​ur conscious​ mind through word to uncover our basic need story,​ a process of unlearning so that we can relearn.​ It’s only once we’ve moved through the levels to​ self actualization that we can curate our consciousness​. ​Opening​ ourselves fully to our innate value, reaching into the flow of consciousness​ and intuitively anchoring the resources we are calling​…


Core Needs 101, Part 1

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY It’s time to get started on​ our core needs challenge.​ Accessing the universal consciousness, the frequency​ of our innate value, designing and​ living a life beyond ordinary. In our challenge, we pause and unpack our​ current narrative for each of our core needs.​ Each level of needs relies on the one below.​ They are closely connected. We journey through…

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