
Lucid Dreaming

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDIANRY How to manifest in a dream state. Let’s talk about shamanic dreaming. Work that we do in Energy by Design Coaching, where we go on a guided journey, into our internal terrain to access information about self that we have never accessed before.  Science tells us that what we experience throughout the day…


How To Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person Part 2

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDIANRY Let’s explore how to prevent overload as a highly sensitive person or an empath. In this episode you’ll learn a process for managing the challenges and enhance the many advantages of being an empath. Although society may say you’re “too sensitive” and suggest that you should “toughen up,” I invite you to develop…


How To Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person Part 1

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY This is a resource for kindred sensitive souls to find understanding and acceptance in a world that’s often void of sensitivity.  Being an empath means we face unique challenges and opportunities in life due to our empathic abilities. When we understand how they work, we are able to experience it as a gift…


Energy & Frequency

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDIANRY We can deliberately increase our energetic resonance to restore harmony in our energy field so that we can manifest an extraordinary life. Everything that exists has an energetic vibrational frequency. Our thoughts impact our frequency the most. Science tells us that our thoughts have a profound effect on our bodies’ vibrational field. Energy…



MANIFESTING EXTRAORDIANRY We’re getting zapped! EMF’s (Electromagnetic Fields) of energy are all around us impacting our individual energy field in a less than optimal way. When we pay attention to our experiences for just one typical day, we quickly realise that a new form of invisible pollution is all around us and, as you’ll learn,…


Conscious Manifesting

MANFESTING EXTRAORDIANRY Whoever we think we are and however we think the world operates is reflected back to us in the events of our lives. A mentor once told me, “There are two kinds of people in this world, those who say ‘I can’ and those who say ‘I can’t.’ And They’re both right.” The…

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