Our Subtle Bodies Have 12 Auric Layers

What Are Our Energy Highways

What Are Our Energy Highways? Our twelve energy centers then move the frequency into our third element of our energy system, our 12 meridians, or energy highways that move the frequency through our body. Traditional Chinese Medicine sees each meridian as an official in our bodies queendom, with our heart meridian as a queen, the…

Our Subtle Bodies Have 12 Auric Layers

Heart & Small Intestine Meridian

Heart & Small Intestine Meridian. The ancient Chinese considered the twelve main acupuncture meridians, as though they were officials in the body’s kingdom. Each official with their job and part of our personality, affecting how we function in the world. Let’s go through a brief description of the officials and their duties. Our heart Meridian…

Lung & Large Intestine Meridian

Stomach & Spleen Meridian

Stomach & Spleen Meridian. Our stomach Meridian is yang energy and runs to our spleen meridian, which is yin energy. Our stomach meridian when coherent, is around our ability to take things in. This may be pure chi of food, or our ability to absorb information or to even receive love. It affects our ability…

What Are Our Energy Highways

Gall Bladder & Liver Meridian

Gall Bladder & Liver Meridian. Our gallbladder Meridian is yang energy and runs to our liver meridian, which is yin energy. Our gallbladder when coherent, is the meridian of judgment and vision. It allows us to see our future to have flexibility and hope. If it is incoherent, we become rigid in our attitudes. This…

What Is Yin And Yang

In traditional Chinese medicine, or symptomatic diagnosis, are based on the philosophy of this principle. The two forces that control the running of the universe. Yin represents our feminine nature, encompassing darkness, tranquility, expansion, depth, cold, and wetness. The moon and water are yin elements. Yang represents our masculine nature, encompassing light, activity, light, contraction,…

Stomach & Spleen Meridian

Meridians & Wellbeing

Meridians & Wellbeing. Until recently, the idea of people having energy meridians was broadly considered to be some sort of superstitious, Eastern woo woo, until a few brave scientists came along and started doing experiments. They proved that energy meridians really do exist and can affect our wellbeing. What science has discovered so far is…