How To Make Better Choices

How To Make Better Choices

How To Make Better Choices. Quite often my graduates use the training to support what they already do in the world. One graduate is an interior designer who has clients wanting to create a feeling in an environment, but they don’t know how to language it. She is using Energy by Design tools and technologies…


Words As Medicine

Words As Medicine. I found that working with consciousness, was the key to transformation. That the way to raise our frequency or raise our light quotient was through our energy system. Our energy flowing through our body. The quality of the energy that comes into our energy system is pure. The challenge was what was…

How To Slow Down Our Mind

What Is Interconnectedness

What Is Interconnectedness? People come to me with an intention to be whole and the first step is to guide them to  understand what is whole? To me, it is living through all eight senses, with our energy system operating through the frequency of our pure potential. When we live through our pure potential, Ancient…