

EPISODE No – 000

Energy 101, Part 5

By Louis Reed

Is it possible that we are multidimensional beings? Is it true, our twelve strands of DNA activate and connect to our twelve energy centers, energy doorways we access our spiritual heritage through. For years’ science has recognised that we have two active physical strands of DNA. We also have ten energetic DNA strands which have been dormant within the Human body for centuries. These dormant strands of DNA have been discovered by scientists, who not knowing the function of these strands, identified them as ‘junk’ DNA.

I’m you host Lou Reed, in the previous episode we explored how ancient Chinese considered our twelve meridians as though they were officials in our bodies kingdom; each official with their job and part of our personality affecting how we function in the world. In this episode we explore how our DNA is our personal blueprint and holds all our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual information.

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Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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Podcast Categories

  • Energy by Design
  • Energy 101
  • Coherence 101
  • Core Needs 101
  • Tapping 101
  • Visioning 101
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