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Your Energy Shapes Your Entire Life…

If you feel like something is missing in life or like there should be more to life, and you are ready to exchange it for the EXTRAORDINARY life you dream of…there’s one simple way to do it.

If You Want To Change Your Life, Activate Your Unique Energy

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Your Energy Codes Shape Your Entire Life…

If you feel like something is missing in life or like there should be more to life, and you are ready to exchange it for the EXTRAORDINARY life you dream of…there’s one simple way to do it.

If You Want To Change Your Life, Activate Your Energy Codes.

What would your life be like if you Mastered Your Energy & Unleashed Your POWERFUL CREATOR?

The two words that will guide you to do that are – “I AM”. This is the secret to change:

“I AM” is a command to your soul telling it what to focus on, what to create and ultimately who to become.

So, if you want to change your life — you need to master your energy.

Your unique energy lives in your unconscious mind, the home of your I AM presence.

No matter what you want to cause and create harnessing the power of your “I AM” is the key to making change happen.

Imagine no longer willing to settle for ordinary. Imagine committing to cultivating yourself and your life on purpose. Imagine creating your future self and choosing every day to make it Extraordinary.


You Are Not The Problem. Your Unique Energy Is.

This is where it all begins …

When you experience a life event that you are not resourced for, parts of your unique energy simply
switch off. Then you move through life, feeling overwhelmed and under-resourced.

It’s time to live by design, not default.

Are You Ready To Live Life On Purpose?

Emi Crown Lady

Energy by Design


Energy by Design is the first coaching program of its kind, it weaves together the magic of energy healing, with the medicine of coaching. You explore the three steps to living through the highest version of yourself MIND. BODY. & SOUL.

You awaken your mind bringing your three levels of consciousness into alignment with your unique energy.

Are you showing up by default or by design?

Remembering you are a consciousness inside of a body, inside of a consciousness. A wave may believe itself to be separate from the ocean. However, its true nature is simply an expression of the ocean.

Are you living the highest version of yourself?

EmBodiment or EnSoulment is to permeate with a soul. As you Awaken. and Remember. who you were born to be (the highest expression of your unique energy) your soul permeates your being, allowing you to express your soul on the canvas of your life.

In Energy by Design Coaching, we don’t just talk about change, we
embody change by how we show up, the choices we make, 
the thoughts we choose and the actions we take.

Extraordinary ReSet, 3 Part Coaching Series


If you want more for your life, I’d love to invite you to join me for my FREE Extraordinary ReSet, 3 Part Coaching Series. Everyday, you make choices: What to eat. What to wear. How to respond to life. Where you go. Who to spend time with. How to spend your time. Your choices do one of two things: 1. confirm your current story you have about yourself or…they will confirm a new story.

Every choice matters …

Session #1: ExtraordinaryHealth
Are you ready to be truly alive? Are you ready to choose to live your life on purpose? Are you ready to master your health story?

Session #2: ExtraordinaryRelationships
Are you a woman who loves herself enough to show up fully for what you desire? Are you a woman who honours her commitments? Are you a woman who indulges mindfully and gets results?

Session #3: ExtraordinaryWealth
How do you listen to the wisdom of your soul, the place beyond words? Do you recognise her when she speak to you through a pit in your stomach, a shiver down your spine, goose bumps down your arm a random sign?

If Not Now, When? If Not You, Who?

Energy Reset

Becoming Extraordinary Self Coaching


A twelve month self coaching program walking your Shero’s Journey an extraordinary set of tools that allow you to navigate the story of YOU, discover the parts that are keepers, discard the toxic parts of your story that no longer serve you, and then author a new more empowering story.

Joseph Campbell, discovered that all storytelling follows the ancient pattern of story. That all stories, from a ‘tragedy of wasted potential’ to a ‘triumph of the human spirit’, can be understood through the lens of the Hero’s Journey, whose principles will guide you on your journey of self-discovery. 

Campbell was a student of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. The ideas in the Hero’s Journey are often referred to as ‘Jungian’. This coaching program is based on Jung’s idea of the archetypes, consistently repeating characters, who occur in the dreams of all people, and the stories of all cultures. Your ‘Extraordinary Self’ is waiting to step out onto the runway … for all the world to see!

Are You Ready To Defy The Ordinary?

Energy Coach Certification


The time of the lone wolf is over. It is time to come together as one, to find inspiration women to befriend, to be inspired by, to collaborate with

I invite you to join the EMI (Energy Medicine Institute) Collective a global siStarhood of wayshowers, luminous beings, powerful creators who are ready for mastery. Together we create magic for the world.

We are expanding everyday and are looking for the perfect people to support our global expansion. Could you be the next to join the EMI Collective.

Together We Create Magic For The World.

Energy Certification

Energy By Design


One On One
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Meet Women Who Have Claimed Their Mastery

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