Latest Past Events

LIVE Q&A With Lou (December 28)

"Elevating who you spend your time with is key to unlocking new possibilities." - Lou Reed, Shaman Are you surrounded by people who are committing to complaining, or committed to changing? Either way, it’s contagious. Our Private Members Society is a place where women refuse to complain or repeat patterns that no longer serve them....

FREE Event

FREE Live Activation (December 21)

"What would your life be like if you truly saw yourself as extraordinary." - Lou Reed, Shaman Imagine the relationships you’d have, the jobs you’d go for, the goals you’d set, the money you’d make, the well-being you’d create, the amount of joy you’d experience if you refused to buy into any story that was...

FREE Event

Global Coaching Pods (December 13)

"You can only ever create to the edge of your experiences" - Lou Reed, Shaman Our coaching pods are an interactive experience run by our Master Coach Vicki Cook. They are sessions where you break out into private rooms and get experience being a coach with other students walking the same path. An opportunity for...

Members Only