What Is The Stress Hormone

What Is The Stress Hormone. In my personal story, my digestive system has been less than optimal, with my immune system, learning in the womb, to default to PTSD. I was constantly on alert, which impacted my adrenal glands, and pushed high levels of cortisol into my body, making it impossible for my body to…

Is All Stress Bad

Is All Stress Bad? The fight-or-flight response is part of the general adaptation syndrome, defined in 1936 by Canadian biochemist Hans Selye, of McGill University in Montreal. He published his revolutionary findings in a simple seventy-four-line article in Nature, in which he defined two types of “stress”: eustress (good stress) and distress (bad stress). Once…

Energy & Stress

Energy & Stress. The fight-or-flight response is part of the general adaptation syndrome, defined in 1936 by Canadian biochemist Hans Selye, of McGill University in Montreal. He published his revolutionary findings in a simple seventy-four-line article in Nature, in which he defined two types of “stress”: eustress (good stress) and distress (bad stress). Once our…