Our Genes Hold Memories

What Is DNA Recoding

What Is DNA Recoding? The energy of Mother Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts into higher levels of consciousness. As Mother Earth raises her vibration, we as humans are being given the opportunities to raise our vibration. This shift is being referred to as the ascension. There are many people around the world who…


DNA Our Spiritual Heritage

DNA Our Spiritual Heritage. Our twelve meridians then move the frequency into the fourth element of our energy system, our 12 DNA strands that move the frequency through to our organs, our systems, and our glands. Our DNA is our spiritual heritage. It carries the wisdom and the medicine from our lineage. As a soul,…

We Are Multidimensional Beings

We Are Multidimensional Beings

We Are Multidimensional Beings. As multidimensional beings our twelve strands of DNA, activate and connect to our twelve energy centers, energy doorways through which we access our spiritual heritage. The twelve strands of DNA serve as links through the twelve energy centers to the energy web that sits around our body. The twelve energy centers…


What Is Spiritual Deficiency

What Is Spiritual Deficiency? The consequences of this loss are that we live in a spiritual deficient society, and our intuitive and healing abilities have been significantly reduced. It has also resulted in us only accessing and using a small part of our brain. Our human body is the most valuable thing we will ever…

Our Genes Hold Memories

Our Genes Hold Memories

Our Genes Hold Memories. At the same time, these genes hold memories, which have created blocks to our path to oneness, and inherited our deep-rooted feelings of separation. Separation from our true essence and from our Creator. This memory of separation has forced us to create experiences and situations where we are given the opportunity…