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Can We Heal Chronic Illness

One of my beloveds had really bad chronic fatigue when she first came to Energy by Design. She needed to give up work. Doctors said, “You’ll never work again.” Within six months, she was going out more, she started to actually engage more with life. Within nine months, she was working again, loving her work and loving her life. And within 12 months, the chronic fatigue was completely gone. One person had cancer reoccur three times before they came to Energy by Design. Within three sessions he went into remission. The medical fraternity asked, “what the hell have you been doing?”, “whatever you’ve been doing, keep doing it.” We’ve had incredible success with people who have had pain, pain that they have had for many, many years, that is chronic, and within a

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How I Transformed Chronic Fatigue

How I Transformed Chronic Fatigue. For me, I had an injury, and I suffered chronic pain 24/7 for twenty-two months. The pain burnt out my adrenals and I ended up with adrenal chronic fatigue. I found that western medicine had no answers at all. Not even pain relief. Energy psychology helped enormously to manage my pain and my fatigue, but I was still struggling.

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Do You Have Trouble Sleeping

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping? Slowing down was really challenging for me. I would push myself to the absolute limit. I didn’t have an off switch. I had to get to a place where I could sustain my energy, and I didn’t understand that if I had the energy it was okay to rest. If I had the energy it was okay to sleep. It took me a long time to work that out because I had never had that story.

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What Is Adrenal Chronic Fatigue

What Is Adrenal Chronic Fatigue? For me, I found that while I had put my trauma in a box around being kidnapped, and threw away the key, the experiences were still living in my subtle bodies. It was still impacting my physical, even though I wasn’t conscious of it. That was where the challenge with illness showed up. My subconscious kept constantly trying to reconcile it, and It burnt out my adrenals, which gave me chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

PTSD & Chronic Fatigue

PTSD & Chronic Fatigue. I pushed myself so hard that one day I stopped and it was really challenging to get back into life. I burnt out my adrenals, not a simple task, it took many choices over many years of saying no to my body. I was doing event management, I would barely sleep for months in the lead up to an event, and then after the event, I would collapse for 3 to 4 weeks then pick myself up and do it all over again.