Join The Tribal News

Awaken your spirit medicine

Our weekly e news that has three sections

The time of the lone wolf is over. It is time to come together as one to find inspirational leaders to befriend, to be inspired by, to collaborate with. If you have a burning desire to consciously curate humanity, to create sustainable generational change for our future through story, then I invite you to join us.

What stories are you curating? What stories are you living? Is it a story of the triumph of the human spirit or a tragedy of wasted potential.

Awaken your wealth codes, an Energy by Design energy prompt.
Get connected by:

1. Reading our blogs on the website
2. Watch on or
3. Listen in Youtube music

January – June 2024 – I will run awaken your wealth code training releasing a energy by design training prompt each week

June – Dec  2024 – I will run awaken your relationship codes releasing a energy by design training prompt each week

Section 2: in case you missed it,  2 FAQs that relate to section 1

Section 3: dates for diary, upcoming events for example one of our emi events or an online summit i am speaking at, or a festival i will be presenting at.