
Energy 101, Part 5

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY Is it possible that we are multidimensional beings? Is it true, our twelve strands of DNA activate and connect to our twelve energy centers, energy doorways we access our spiritual heritage through. For years’ science has recognised that we have two active physical strands of DNA. We also have ten energetic DNA strands which…


Energy 101, Part 4

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY Is it possible that all symptomatic diagnoses are based on the philosophy of this principle, the two forces that control the running of the universe yin & yang.  Is it true that our bodies are like a queendom; each meridian with their job and part of our personality affecting how we function in…


Energy 101, Part 3

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY Is it possible, as we become conscious of the functioning of our energy centers, we have the opportunity to meet ourselves from different perspectives. Is it true that our twelve energy centers are energy discs that contain vital programs for our life. If so, does tuning into the frequency of each energy center…


Energy 101, Part 2

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY Is it possible that our subtle bodies contain the map of our destiny? Is it true, we are given as many experiences as we need to learn our soul lessons. If so, how can we work with this information to not only change our life, but fulfil our destiny?  I’m your host Lou…


Energy 101, Part 1

MANIFESTING EXTRAORDINARY Is it true that the energy of Mother Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts, into higher levels of consciousness. Is it possible that as Mother Earth raises Her vibration, we as human beings are being given the opportunities to raise our vibration?  This shift is being referred to as the ascension, there are…

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